The Mediterranean - Day 24

New adventures and dreams achieved!

The Saturday following my last blog, we were able to take a private tour of a bodega named Vicente Gandia in the Hoya de Cadenas estate. Making wine in Spain is no simple task from what's been seen. The bodega itself has a beautiful expanse of grape vines and olive trees groves surrounding the original estate of Vicente Gandia. At the border of the fields lies the largest wine distillery in the province, where large vats of various wines are fermented before aging in barrels deep beneath the ground. A long process well worth the wait. 

It's always been a dream of mine to see the Mediterranean, and on Thursday, July 20th, I was able to do just that on our excursion to Valencia! It's just a body of water though, right..? Well seeing this vast expanse of salty sea meant something truly profound to me. I cannot explain to you how it's not just another body of water on this Earth to soak in. I cannot explain to you how freeing it is to look at this vast, open sea after weeks of stress and anxiety. I can, however, express to you how it visually makes me feel by these photos: 

On a more serious note, classes and daily living, when not on excursions, remains a very fast paced and overwhelming experience at times. Not a day passes that something different occurs that changes the gears of the following day. It's stressful for everyone, but the life lesson remains: you cannot control everything. As someone with anxiety, it's a daily struggle searching for some sort of reasoning when there is no need for reason. The matter of letting go is a game of patience as well. I prefer to know what's coming next to mentally process it as well as physically prepare for all possibilities associated with what comes next.  I'm learning to have patience with myself and with others when indecision hits. 
I'm learning to let things be.


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