New eyes - Day 16

As we spend more time here, classes go on and a rhythm develops, and so does the flow of class work.

The highlight of our week was the Tuesday visit of well renowned Spanish playwright named José Moreno Arenas (Pepe) and actress/director Elena Bolaños. He is author to a number of plays that have been published to books and translated to ship to other countries worldwide. He calls himself an introvert, but he is able to lecture a class almost effortlessly. His knowledge of Spanish sayings is by no means small either. Elena exudes talent when acting. During the script reading of José's work of "Federico Lorca en Carne Viva," Lorena did not tire while speaking and her voice filled the room with its emotion of the words written before her. José spoke the words of Federico Lorca as if Lorca lived within him.

It was almost refreshing to meet and conversate with them. Pepe was someone experienced in theatre that listened intently and did not hesitate to speak his words clearly and concisely. Elena was someone new who showed us what she's capable of. It was our backstage experience with Spanish theatre.

This week, we were also witness to a new artistic addition to the pueblo of Mira. Painter Carmen Belloch finished her new addition after 3 days of work in the scorching heat. Everyday until its completion on Wednesday, we passed by her, painting, hard at work to make the result possible.

Little pieces of new things like the painting make me wish that my family was around to share the moments with. I didn't realize how the distance away from those you love really catches up to you during these special moments. I miss them... but I'm learning to appreciate these new experiences on my own. I hope that my younger siblings experience these kinds of wonders at some point in their lives. I look at everything that's happened so far and think that I've aged with the different lifestyle and the time that's passed, but I'm looking at the world with a child's eyes; absorbing everything.

In one week's time, we will be in Valencia seeing the Mediterranean for the first time. I hope the sea will bring new senses to the forefront as we see, breathe, swim, and taste a little more of what Spain has to offer in Valencia.


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