Madrid - Day 1

Let me tell you. Although the flights were long, they were not the problem. The jet-lag was. After arriving at Madrid at near seven in the morning, we stayed awake and participated in the planned activities for as long as we could. The activities themselves were wonderful! We met Adolfo and Luis, our hosts from Mira, and we had a wonderful breakfast, visited the museum and saw artworks of Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso’s Guérnica, and dined all together.

Big and little observations of Madrid from a newcomer’s perspective:
  • There is an extravagant amount of graffiti throughout the city. In parks, beside roadways, and practically any blank surface that was deemed a canvas. 
  •  A second observation included smaller, more compact cars that were able to maneuver around the thinner streets of the city. Drivers that used turn signals were nonexistent, but were very talented at parallel parking.
  • Everyone is very relaxed and do not rush outside of the airport. The city is full of people walking steadily towards their destinations. Fashionably late most of the time.
  • Almost all dogs in parks walk quietly behind their owners without leashes. Quite impressive if I say so myself.
  •  The Picasso art exhibit in the Museo de Reina Sofia was mind blowing. I exited the exhibit quietly in my own world of artistic observation and interpretation of the art and the artist. Salvador Dali had quite a way to express himself through his artwork. Although I could not take photos of the artworks themselves due to heavy security observation, I will take that experience with me always. 

  • The food is very good! We tried traditional Spanish dishes and dared to taste new and adventurous things (Octopus and oysters are very chewy).
  • Late nights do not stop for most of the populous until very early the next morning.

Although this first day felt long and strenuous after a previous day of flying, there will never be a day like it. I hope to tell you more about Madrid in my free day tomorrow and post all of my collective pictures of the city. On Saturday, we are off to Mira, straying away from the crowds for the quiet of a small town.

For now, it is time to sleep. Hopefully I can say goodbye to jetlag for now.


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