Madrid - Day 1

Let me tell you. Although the flights were long, they were not the problem. The jet-lag was. After arriving at Madrid at near seven in the morning, we stayed awake and participated in the planned activities for as long as we could. The activities themselves were wonderful! We met Adolfo and Luis, our hosts from Mira, and we had a wonderful breakfast, visited the museum and saw artworks of Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso’s Guérnica, and dined all together. Big and little observations of Madrid from a newcomer’s perspective: There is an extravagant amount of graffiti throughout the city. In parks, beside roadways, and practically any blank surface that was deemed a canvas. A second observation included smaller, more compact cars that were able to maneuver around the thinner streets of the city. Drivers that used turn signals were nonexistent, but were very talented at parallel parking. Everyone is very relaxed and do not rush outside of the airport. The city is fu...